Thursday, July 26, 2007

My prelim shocking experience........

Hello!!! This is my blog. Read it,!!!!!!! 1st day of school. Waw!!! its so nervous coz i don't no what to do, coz you now!!!!!!! new face, new personality that i will incounter in this school, that i don't no my environmnt, if thers good or bad people around me.And my 1st inprecion in this course is hard when it talk about computer coz i don't have enough experience when its all about how to use computer. But then!!!!! im allready realize, that when a person whant to learn something, he can do it.And know i have allready some or a little knowledge that i can apply in the future and more thing that i will learn in this course, that i can apply when im applying for a job. And ther some times i feel that i don't whan't this subject, when i can't make my activity well, coz ther some thing's that i can't understand, and i don't now how to use it...... But then, im not affraid anymore, coz im allready know or realise the important to ask for help. Thats the one thing that learnd in this subject,"not having affraid to ask for a help" coz it can help you a lot to develop your skill, and so you can understand it will.And I'm so happy with my prelim exam, coz its not so hard and not to essy , It just like in the middle, that any one can do it. Not like what i have more than expect in the exam.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

College life is making me crazy

Hi! this is my blog! Coz when i first enter the school im so affraid, coz i feel that im alone. This is another time to meet a new classmate and new friend. Many people say that college is not like high school, im belive in that, coz you cannot copy anaymore to your classmate like what you have than when you are in high school life, each of my classmate are all ready focusing in ther study, so they can past coz college life is already a time to make your future will succed in life, coz your the one will make your future. So all i need to do is to study hard no matter what happend to past this course, so that my parent will make proud to me if time will come, and i always focus in my study and i will not allow distraction to destroy my future!!!!!!!!! like having boyfriend thats the one reson why student cannot finish ther study. So for dose student who whant to finish ther study stay away from destraction.!!!!!!!! so thats way college life is making me crazy.